Operational Risk Management is defined
under the Basel Banking Accord as the risk of direct
or indirect loss resulting from inadequate or failed
internal processes, people and systems or from external
Whatever your business and even
before you have sold a product, operational risk threats
are prevalent. The ability to understand such exposures,
both in likelihood of occurrence and impact ensures
that you can prioritize effective control for the
most serious of risks. Understanding causality of
faults will also assist staff improve their business
practices, reduce costly errors and maintain a high
level of delivery to your customers.
Azilon Risk Manager solution automates
the entire process of operational risk, including
loss data collection, control self-assessment, risk
self-assessment, key risk indicator in one single
product. It provides a transparent environment that
enables organization to manage the entire process
- from identifying risk, to measuring, mitigating
and monitoring it on an ongoing basis.
All modules (loss event calculation, control self-assessment,
risk self-assessment, key risk indicator) furnish
specific pieces of information that have to be combined
to show a risk profile of the organization. The ability
to tie each data feed to a line of business, business
function, product and risk category is an inaugural
contextual step that enforces transparency, policy
and assists in bank wide management of data collection
and exposure. Azilon Risk Manager is able to map business
units both by function and geographical location.
This assists in defining any concentration exposures
that might exist from catastrophic events.
Loss Data Collection:
Loss Data often referred to as internal data and is
the process of accurately tracking loss event information
and assigning such data points to business units,
processes and control failures that caused or contributed
to a fault. Azilon Risk Manager has a feature rich
& easy to use loss data system designed specifically
to support Basel II.
Key Risk Indicator:
To base capital on internal and external loss data
alone is backward looking. Key Risk Indicators are
a forward looking metrics for managing events before
they occur. They are also used to support specific
data sets in the model such as scenario analysis.
Key Risk Indicators are linked to controls, risks
and other variables of the system and is assigned
to a specific business unit, product and location
for reporting and management purposes. Ability to
highlight which Key Risk Indicators are performing
poorly and the associated underlying risks is an automatic
process for the KRI.
Control Self-Assessment:
Control Self-Assessment (CSA) is a powerful and increasingly
popular governance tool that can help auditors and
managers examine and assess business processes and
control organizational effectiveness. Core features
include tracking of business unit control questions
and their respective scores, version control of questions,
qualitative and quantitative assessments, listing
overdue control assessments, show residual exposure
post control assessment and inserting additional contextual
information against a questionnaire.
Risk Self-Assessment:
Risk Self-Assessment allows business unit management
to flag both existing threats that are causing losses
and potential issues that interfere with the banks
delivery of products and services.
Reports & Dashboards:
The solution includes various business unit reports,
risk assessment reports, heat maps and dashboards
to monitor exposure as it happens to show the underlying
risks and functions that are contributing to the risk